Can you please post that LaTeX file? I get a file which is missing
"\usepackage{tkz-graph}" and hence fails to compile. If I add that line, it
produces the same LaTeX error that I've been seeing all along.
And yes, the LaTeX file is hidden — it's temporary and is removed when Sage
quits. You do
For any Sage object, the code for "view" first constructs a LaTeX version
and then runs pdflatex (or similar) on it. For crystals, the code to
produce the LaTeX is this:
G = self.digraph()
return G._latex_()
(from sage.categorie
I think I have it; "view" expects a "digraph" not a "crystal"
B = crystals.Tableaux(['A',2], shape=[2,1])
G = B.digraph()
Returns popup graph and inpage text
The crystal of tableaux of type ['A', 2] and shape(s) [[2, 1]]
Digraph on 8 ve