I think there are parenthesis missing in the output of this:
sage: from sage.manifolds.utilities import ExpressionNice
sage: x,y,u,v = var('x y u v')
sage: f = function('f')(x, y)
sage: ExpressionNice(f.subs(x=u+v,y=u-v).diff(v).diff(u))
d^2(f)/d(u + v)^2 - d^2(f)/du - v^2
I expected the
I have had similar problems. Wolfram may have changed (again !) something
in their output format... Since I know zilch about HTML mysteries and
miseries, I can't offer anything but my warmest condolences...
Le lundi 14 février 2022 à 17:17:20 UTC+1, rodrigos...@gmail.com a écrit :
> Good aftern