After changing the env compiler flags to stop pplpy-0.8.4 from confusing
itself, and re-starting the build, it fails in scipy-1.5.2:
[scipy-1.5.2] clang -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup
-Wl,-rpath,/Applications/SageMath/local/lib -L.
A lot of people have a lot of problems with Sage-9.2 on MacOS, installing
pre-compiled or building from the source.
Sage-9.2 has several idiosyncrasies that for me are hard to explain. One -
it deliberately refuses to work with Macports-installed packages, even
though their main difference from
I am running sage in Fedora 33, x86_64 sage 9.3beta4 (though the bug
appears also in ubuntu sage 9.1). This is a toy example:
B1=[vector(K,[i,j]) for i,j in [(1,0),(1,1)]]
I considere a vector space V of dimension 2 over the field of two el