sage: L[1].n()
fails because L1 is an equation, i. e a symbolic expression whose operator
is the built-in “eq”, which has no n() method.
sage: PP=-625/1000*t^4 + 2355/100*t^3 - 264051/1000*t^2 + 10269/10*t - 8538/10
sage: PP.parent()
Symbolic Ring
sage: L=solve(PP,t)
sage: L[1].rhs()
Thanks! I've already learned more.
What I first did was this:
sage: PP
-0.625*t^4 + 23.55000*t^3 - 264.0510*t^2 +
1026.900*t - 853.8000
sage: L=solve(PP==0,t)
sage: L[1]
t ==
-1/1250*sqrt((390625*(4/1953125*I*sqrt(37468876945450884598)*sqrt(5) -
> I still don't know my way around the Sage documentation... Sorry for the
> elementary question.
> Yeah, we are sorry that it never has gotten more organized (though it is
actually quite thorough!). You may want to try the French (now in
English) Sage book, or Greg Bard's AMS (but free on
Thanks, right, I forgot the meaning of "int" in latte_int, sorry.
Indeed, this looks like one can actually do better than Mathematica, if
latte_int is installed.
On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 2:23 AM slelievre wrote:
> Le dimanche 13 septembre 2020 12:30:09 UTC+2, Dima Pasechnik a écrit :