High, you are not alone in this endeavor.
Comments in "Does SageMath work on Mac OS 10.14.6" of sage-support-group
might help.
But first, please make sure you have not invoked sage before you movesage
to desktop.
Sage rewrites the links inside its code when it is invoked for the first
I installed sage on OSX 10.15.2 according to the README directions.
However, my MacBook would not let me run sage. After relocating the
"SageMath" folder to my desktop and going there in my terminal to run ' ./
sage ' , my computer says that "cannot open program from unidentified
developer". So
On 2020-03-07, Eric Gourgoulhon wrote:
> You should use simplify_full() instead of simplify():
Or you should rather use *polynomials* instead of general symbolic
variables, provided of course that all your expressions are multivariate
rational functions (which is the case here):
> sage: var('s t
You should use simplify_full() instead of simplify():
sage: var('s t')
(s, t)
sage: thirdroot = ((s^2 - 1)*t^2 - s^2 + 1)/(s^2 + 2*s*t + t^2)
sage: factor(thirdroot + 1)
(s*t + 1)^2/(s + t)^2
sage: a = thirdroot + 1 - (s*t + 1)^2/(s+t)^2
sage: a
((s^2 - 1)*t^2 - s^2 + 1)/(s^2 + 2*s*t + t^2) - (s*t