help triangle_sandpile?
(version 8.8, Jupyter Windows)
gives the following (unexpected) output after Class docstring
Is this intended?
Type:LazyImportString form: File:
I confirm the bug on 8.9.beta5. It is most probably a bug in Pynac. Note
that if you multiply by 2 it "works"
sage: (2*num).factor()
(16*r^6 - 32*r^4*x^2 + 16*r^2*x^4 + 32*r^4*y^2 + 32*r^2*x^2*y^2 +
16*r^2*y^4 + 80*r^2*x^2 + 16*x^4 + 16*r^2*y^2 + 32*x^2*y^2 + 16*y^4 -
16*x^2 - 16*y^2)*r^4/(r^6