You might try the following: make a copy of the directory named ~/.sage/
(it's located in your home directory, and it's where your sagenb notebooks
are stored), and remove it.
Then restart Sage (~/.sage/ will be recreated). Import your notebook(s)
from the location you copied them.
Note that sa
I have also asked this on Ask sage- no answers yet.
I have sagemath notebook installed on my Mac laptop,
and it has been working fine until recently, maybe because I tried to run
some 3d graphics program I found on the Sagemath manual. Then it froze up.
(Since my notebook isn't working, I am
Thanks you. Sorry but how to I use it ? Do I use the python's plugin ?
Or should I have an adriansage plugin in the menu (which I haven't ?
Le 02/02/2018 à 14:11, adrian a écrit :
Still some work must be done in the Sage plugin. In the meantime, the
following plugin adaptation to the Python's
Still some work must be done in the Sage plugin. In the meantime, the
following plugin adaptation to the Python's TeXmacs plugin should work in
Linux. I will try to have the Sage plugin be updated in the coming weeks,
but in the meantime you can try this one. Just extract itand put into your
Thanks, I could indeed confirm the solution!
On Thursday, 1 February 2018 17:31:35 UTC+9, Eric Gourgoulhon wrote:
> A workaround is to use unit_step instead of heaviside:
> plot3d(unit_step(x-y),(x,-1,1),(y,-1,1))
> The function heaviside is known to have issues as soon as some numer