After trying numerous things and not having any luck with the
"sage-8.0-Fedora_25-x86_64.tar", I tried nbconvert from
Still didn't work, so I have since uninstalled it (sudo pip uninstall
nbconvert), and reinstalled the pip version (sudo pip install
This should be fixed in the next version of Sage:
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John's suggestion works for me on local sage-8.1beta 4
Le vendredi 8 septembre 2017 16:00:27 UTC+2, HG a écrit :
> @interact
> def linear_transformation(A=matrix([[1,-1],[-1,1/2]]),theta=slider(0,
> 2*pi, .1), r=slider(0.1, 2, .1, default=1)):
Le vendredi 8 septembre 2017 16:00:27 UTC+2, HG a écrit :
> @interact
> def linear_transformation(A=matrix([[1,-1],[-1,1/2]]),theta=slider(0,
> 2*pi, .1), r=slider(0.1, 2, .1, default=1)):
> v=vector([r*cos(theta), r*sin(theta)])
> w