On 12/10/15 12:57, Nathann Cohen wrote:
Is the following behavior normal:
Well... In the first case you work on an exact ring, and in the second case
you compare the output of >= and > on an inexact ring.
I do not know if there is something wrong somewhere, but I do not expect
float computatio
Is the following behavior normal:
Well... In the first case you work on an exact ring, and in the second case
you compare the output of >= and > on an inexact ring.
I do not know if there is something wrong somewhere, but I do not expect
float computations to be exact either, so
Hi everyone,
Is the following behavior normal:
sage: P = polytopes.regular_polygon(5)
sage: a_vertex = P.vertices()[0]
sage: for facet in P.Hrepresentation(): print facet.contains(a_vertex),
True False
True True
True False
True True
True True
sage: P = polytope
Le lundi 12 octobre 2015 09:33:21 UTC+2, Emmanuel Charpentier a écrit :
> Two bizarreries :
> The "simple" output doesn't have the superfetatory parentheses around the
> -I solution...
This has nothing to do with the LaTeX rendering in the jupyter notebook: it
results from sage comm
I went back o the "develop" branch", fetched the last release (6.9) and
re-made. $SAGE_ROOT/local/lib/libtinfo* is still out of the way.
The resulting system can open a sample sheet created with 6.9rc3, correctly
solves x^2+1==0 and typesets the output if necessary.
Two bizarreries :
- Exa