The same workaround that works in magma, also works in sage:
sage: K=NumberField(x-1,'a')
sage: OK=K.ring_of_integers()
sage: 3*OK/5*OK
Fractional ideal (3/5)
So at least it's possible to construct a number field in Sage that is
isomorphic to QQ.
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On Friday, May 22, 2015, Dominique Laurain
> Bonjour Ines,
> Precisez SVP l'adresse du site internet que vous utilisez ?
> Est-ce que c'est bien : ?
> Si oui, il se peut que votre souci, soit simplement une erreur de
> configuration de votre PC, ou des équ
I think I may have found a bug in Sage's solve() function:
z=var('z'); solve(conjugate(z)==1+i, z)
[z == (I + 1)]
It sems that the conjugate is simply ignored. Obviously this leads to
incorrect result for (almost) all equations involving the conjugate. Yet,
solve()'s docstring simply stat
Just to bring atttention to a question at math.stackexchange:
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