On 11.02.2012 01:25, yannche wrote:
Hi Nathan,
Yes, I checked local/include and local/lib. CPLEX runs fine also as a
64 bit standalone.
I recompiled everything with ./sage -ba, and now
MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver="CPLEX") triggers a new error
I put the log below:
I got the same error and try to find the why.
What I have done:
Install CPLEX and test it works (version 12.6)
Install SAGE and test it works
Build CPLEX python interface using SAGE Python
Make symbolic links for libcplex.a, cplex.h and cpxconst.a
*ln -s ./CPLEX_Studio126/cplex/lib/x
It doesn't work ... It seems to be a matplotlib options which I can't
use inside texmacs directly.
Strange that **params works and not **legend.
Le 17/04/2014 14:48, Michael Orlitzky a écrit :
On 04/17/2014 06:32 AM, HG wrote:
I do a plot with **params which is quiete usefull to have it as