As I posted in sage-dev the problem actually is with the coefficients and I
found a somewhat heavy handed solution:
sage: R.=LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ,2)
sage: p=2*u**-1*v**-1+u*v
sage: sum( R(c)*u**-exp[0]*v**-exp[1] for (exp,c) in p.dict().iteritems() )
2*u*v + u^-1*v^-1
You receive
Hello All,
I have some polynomials in two varaibles, say u and v, and I want to apply
the map which u to u^-1 and v to v^-1. Sadly, I run to problems insude sage:
With one variable it is OK:
sage: R.=LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ)
sage: p=u**-1
sage: p.substitute(u=u^-1)
but when I go to tw
Thanks John and William, I might have posted my question a bit too soon, I
apologize. I was tired and quickly looked at the help for diff and googled
some terms but somehow overlooked the results you found. I will take a look
at these and play a bit with the equations I need to solve, then I wil
On Wednesday, September 18, 2013 7:03:56 AM UTC-7, jorges wrote:
> Hi,
> I guess the answer is no, as I can't seem to find any reference to
> non-homogeneous DE neither in the reference nor searching the web.
What sort of equation do you want to solve? Here's a simple example; there
is al
On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 7:03 AM, jorges wrote:
> Hi,
> I guess the answer is no, as I can't seem to find any reference to
> non-homogeneous DE neither in the reference nor searching the web. Can
> someone confirm this? Also, do you know if Maple has this capability. I ask
When I google python a
I guess the answer is no, as I can't seem to find any reference to
non-homogeneous DE neither in the reference nor searching the web. Can
someone confirm this? Also, do you know if Maple has this capability. I ask
because I was given some Maple code that I want to translate to sage, and