On 2013-01-31, Daniel Friedan wrote:
> --=_Part_880_30796308.1359641848689
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> First, I'll try my MILP problems in double-precision (probably using
> CPLEX). I'll re-post my question about arbitrary precision if it turns out
> that I need it.
On 2013-01-31, Jori Mantysalo wrote:
> This says e^x as it should:
> forget();
> x=var('x'); h=var('h');
> assume(x, 'integer')
> f = exp(x)
> limit ( (f(x+h)-f(x))/h, h=0)
> If I change assume(x, 'integer') to assume(x, 'rational') I got question
> "Is x an integer?" from Maxima. Why so?