> That's a substantial difference, IMHO.
> If you do a+b, then Python calls a.__add__(b). So, Python being object
> oriented, you can easily overload the a.__add__ method. Sage has the
> class sage.structure.element.RingElement, which overloads the
> __add__ method, and if you sub-class
On 2012-12-21, Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
> But why do we have to use max_symbolic ? As far as I can tell, max, like=20
> many other functions in Sage, could be overloaded to call max_symbolic when=
> used with a symbolic argument, no ? After all, we don't have to write=20
> plus_symbolic(a,
Emmanuel wrote: "Please let me know how to comment a ticket, and I will
report this."
I think the usual procedure is to request a TRAC account (the details of
how to request are outlined in the SAGE TRAC homepage).
On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 8:38 PM, Emmanuel Charpentier <
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your prompt advice. Some comments below :
Le vendredi 21 décembre 2012 15:03:45 UTC+1, kcrisman a écrit :
>> I am in the process of learning Sage, coming from Maxima (and
>> Mathematica, which I do not like much...).
>> Cut'n'pastes from a notebook running on sagenb.o
> I am in the process of learning Sage, coming from Maxima (and Mathematica,
> which I do not like much...).
> Cut'n'pastes from a notebook running on sagenb.org
> version()
> version()
> ==>
> 'Sage Version 5.4, Release Date: 2012-11-09'
> var('t,a,b,d')
> ## beta density
> dbeta(t,a
sage: polytope = polytopes.n_cube(4)
sage: G = polytope.restricted_automorphism_group(); G
Permutation Group with generators [(5,9)(6,10)(7,11)(8,12),
(3,5)(4,6)(11,13)(12,14), (2,3)(6,7)(10,11)(14,15),
I am in the process of learning Sage, coming from Maxima (and Mathematica,
which I do not like much...).
Cut'n'pastes from a notebook running on sagenb.org
'Sage Version 5.4, Release Date: 2012-11-09'
## beta density