On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 6:51 PM, hdevalence wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having some trouble with some matrix calculations in SAGE. I'd
> like to find the kernel of some matrices, but I think I'm doing
> something wrong, because it's very slow.
> For example:
> sage: M = matrix(RDF, 200,400, lambda i
On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 3:23 AM, Mel wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been having an issue with a program I've written in sage. I need
> to calculate a polynomial mod 7. When I do this using the command
> line, I don't have any trouble. Example:
> sage: x = var('x')
> sage: y = var('y')
> sage: IntegerP
On 7/13/11 3:29 PM, David Monarres wrote:
Hello all,
Today I was working on a top-level histogram plotting function by
exposing matplotlib's hist as a Graphics object
Nice! Were you using http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/9671 or
doing it yourself?
and I ran into something
that h
So, for anyone interested, I was able to *sort-of* solve the Gegenbauer
polynomial problem.
Using a lambda-function:
C = lambda (n, Lambda, x): sum(
for m in [0..floor(n/2)]] )
(the definition is taken from
I've been having an issue with a program I've written in sage. I need
to calculate a polynomial mod 7. When I do this using the command
line, I don't have any trouble. Example:
sage: x = var('x')
sage: y = var('y')
sage: IntegerPolyRing. = ZZ[]
sage: ideal = -6*x - y
sage: ideal = IntegerPo
Sorry, I didn't read carefully; you do seem to know about the
timeseries code. I'm assuming that the xmax is the midpoint of the
rightmost bin + half the bin width; are you doing something else?
It's hard to guess at what's going wrong if you don't post code.
FWIW, I'd prefer that "plot_histogram
Try the following:
On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 3:29 PM, David Monarres wrote:
> Hello all,
> Today I was working on a top-level histogram plotting function by exposing
> matplotlib's hist as a Graphics object and I ran into something that has
> stumped me. This is no
Does this work for you?
sage: S = ['h','t']
sage: P = dict(zip(S,[1/2,1/2]))
sage: P
{'h': 1/2, 't': 1/2}
sage: O = DiscreteProbabilitySpace(S,P)
sage: dict( [ ((s1,s2),P[s1]*P[s2]) for s1 in S for s2 in S] )
{('h', 't'): 1/4, ('t', 't'): 1/4, ('h', 'h'): 1/4, ('t', 'h'): 1/4}
It doesn't real
Hello all,
Today I was working on a top-level histogram plotting function by exposing
matplotlib's hist as a Graphics object and I ran into something that has
stumped me. This is not surprising since I know very little about matplotlib
and am not all that experienced with programming in general
Hello Michael
thanks for this.
Mathematica allows you to specify the metric by which you measure
simplicity (actually, it's called "ComplexityFunction" and IIRC there
are five or six builtins).
As for sage, how about just counting
the number of calls to psi()? This would just be an integer, wit
I'm having troubles with using desolve_system on differential equations
There is an Error executing code in Maxima.
I really don't know what might be going on, please help or suggest how
to bypass this.
Thanks a lot
the whole notebook is here:
I'm having some trouble with some matrix calculations in SAGE. I'd
like to find the kernel of some matrices, but I think I'm doing
something wrong, because it's very slow.
For example:
sage: M = matrix(RDF, 200,400, lambda i,j: i+j)
sage: %time M.right_kernel()
CPU times: user 379.39 s, sy
On 07/12/11 22:07, robin wrote:
> Hi again
> [replying to self]
> I didn't make myself clear here. What I meant to ask was, I think,
> "Look, sage doesn't seem to know this fact about psi(). Does sage
> store a list of known facts about the psi function anywhere?
> Because, if it does
P.S. I tried removing the cookie of the notebook site - this
disconnects me from the notebook server, but after the first login I
cannot logout anymore.
To post to this group, send email to sage-support@googlegroups.com
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I have the following problem on my machine:
- connect to a new secure Sage notebook
- log in
- log out
- log in
- now it is not possible to log out, I am just thrown to the home page
(and it does work, i.e. I still have access to all the worksheets).
Clearing the history of the browser hel
> I have written following Lattice Reduction Algorithm. However, it does not
> work properly (does not matche with the LLL algorithm
> implemented in Sage). It will be great for me if any one check the program.
the output of the LLL algorithm is not unique. You have to check that the
16 matches
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