> sage: v=map(ndistribpts,range(50,151))
> sage: line(v,ymin=0,ymax=.02)
> The command 'points' might also give what you want, without connecting
> the points.
Thank you for this enhancement. The curve looks nice. However only in
this example the bell-shape can be appreciated.
It doesn't work h
This is now http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11447
Bill, please replace SAGE_ROOT/spkg/standard/python-2.6.4.p10.spkg
with http://users.aims.ac.za/~jan/python-2.6.4.p11.spkg, and then
run make again.
/V\ Jan Groenewald
/( )\www.aims.ac.za
We use Pynac for deciding on default printing of things like this, I
think. So one of the tickets related to this is most likely.
Probably http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/9947. You can see
strange things with coefficients there as well. Glad it's fixed for
you there!
- kcrisman
On Jun 7, 9:58 pm, Felipo Bacani wrote:
> Hello.
> How do I define a piecewise function that are discontinuous in one point?
> I mean, how do I define a piecewise function f(x) if it is like
> x if 0 f(x)=2 if x=1
> 2-x if 1
> If I try the command below:
> sage: f= Piec
2011/6/7 slelievre:
> 2011-06-07 Burcin Erocal:
>> On Tue, 7 Jun 2011, Samuel wrote:
>>> Can we not use + to add complex numbers?
>>> sage: j = -1/2 + sqrt(3)/2*i
>>> sage: a = -2*j*j
>>> sage: b = -j/2
>>> sage: print a.real(); print b.real(); print (a+b).real()
>>> 1
>>> 1/4
>>> + 1/4
2011-06-07 Burcin Erocal:
> On Tue, 7 Jun 2011, Samuel wrote:
>> Can we not use + to add complex numbers?
>> sage: j = -1/2 + sqrt(3)/2*i
>> sage: a = -2*j*j
>> sage: b = -j/2
>> sage: print a.real(); print b.real(); print (a+b).real()
>> 1
>> 1/4
>> + 1/4
> With Sage 4.7.alpha1, I get:
On Tue, 7 Jun 2011 12:17:58 -0700 (PDT)
Samuel Lelievre wrote:
> Can we not use + to add complex numbers?
> sage: j = -1/2 + sqrt(3)/2*i
> sage: a = -2*j*j
> sage: b = -j/2
> sage: print a.real(); print b.real(); print (a+b).real()
> 1
> 1/4
> + 1/4
With Sage 4.7.alpha1, I get:
sage: sage:
Can we not use + to add complex numbers?
sage: j = -1/2 + sqrt(3)/2*i
sage: a = -2*j*j
sage: b = -j/2
sage: print a.real(); print b.real(); print (a+b).real()
+ 1/4
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On 6/7/11 12:05 PM, Owen wrote:
Great pointers, Jason .. thanks.
More generally, you can explore Flask or Django, which are two standard
python webserving frameworks.
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Great pointers, Jason .. thanks.
-- Owen
To post to this group, send email to sage-support@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at
URL: http:
On Jun 7, 7:08 am, Rolf wrote:
> Problem solved!
> The simple '._sage_()' does the trick. It converts data from R into
> something that can be handled by Python or Sage.
Glad you found a solution!
> def ndistribpts(x): return (x,r.dnorm(x,mean=100,sd=25)._sage_())
> def cube(x): return (x,x*
Problem solved!
The simple '._sage_()' does the trick. It converts data from R into
something that can be handled by Python or Sage.
def ndistribpts(x): return (x,r.dnorm(x,mean=100,sd=25)._sage_())
def cube(x): return (x,x*x*x)
Works though I'm s
There is a well known problem (http://ask.sagemath.org/question/192/
compiling-r-with-png-support) with plotting in R that apparently some
people successfully eliminated by installing the libraries mentioned
and recompiling. I didn’t succeed, so I'm trying a work around and
stumbled over an other
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