Changing the permissions in the /usr/local/ path so that all users
could write seems to have straightened out the build problem.
I sudo chmod'ed +w's and then after the build, returned the
permissions to 755's.
On Nov 11, 10:30 pm, bill wrote:
> Howdy all,
> Step 1: I download Sage via metalink
and now, this message :
Failed to build ATLAS.
ATLAS failed to build for the 1-th time, possibly because of a
loaded system, so we will automatically try again up to 4 more times.
Waiting 11 minutes...
ATLAS failed to build for the 2-th time, possibly because of a
loaded system, so we will automat
I upgraded VM player from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2.
To test the upgrade I started Sage 4.5.1 (because 4.5.3 has a EOFError
A very long message appeared. Normal or is there a problem?
2010-09-08 10:57:14-0700 [HTTPChannel,541,] Starting zipping
a group of worksheets in a sep