Hi All,
Can anyone think why my binary install (Sage4.5.2 on Ubuntu10.04)
should start intermittently having a coercion problem "rank =
int(rank) in free_module.py" when I haven't tried to install anything
else in Sage's python or modify Sage itself.
eg. I had:
V = VectorSpace(RR, 2)
v = V([3.0,
Great, thank you Jorge!
Le 11 nov. 2010 à 20:00, Jorge E. ´Sanchez Sanchez a écrit :
> Thank you very much Mitesh,
> Leonard, now I can announce that I have already upload the file to the
> spkg-upload Google Code repository, and everybody could do the install just
> following all J
Hi !
I just tried to install Sage-4.6 on my new computer (fedora14), but
it failed.
I get :
line 4: 9904 Erreur de segmentation (core dumped) $atldir/$*
make[6]: *** [zdRunFindCE] Erreur 139
make[6] : on quit
Thank you very much Mitesh,
Leonard, now I can announce that I have already upload the file to the
spkg-upload Google Code repository, and everybody could do the install just
all Jaap Spies instructions (to build the prerequisites) and replacing the
ETS-3.2 spkg by
the one I mad
On 11/11/10 12:15 PM, Chris Seberino wrote:
Does there exist Sage notebooks for high school subjects like algebra,
geometry and precalculus that are so thorough that they are basically
like interactive textbooks?
Calculus&Mathematica seems to be an innovative program to create
similar "interacti
Does there exist Sage notebooks for high school subjects like algebra,
geometry and precalculus that are so thorough that they are basically
like interactive textbooks?
Calculus&Mathematica seems to be an innovative program to create
similar "interactive textbooks" for Mathematica for calculus.
I did sage -sh and then i tried jmol. It said that it could not find
the main class because it could not find a directory related to open
jvm. I had installed sun-java6, but I checked for the directory. I
guess sage found the directory and assumed that I had openjava. The
whole thing go
On 11/ 2/09 08:11 PM, svanshaar wrote:
Thanks Jason! That works perfectly.
I don't know if any of this uses the GNU Scientific library, but there are
reports of bug in the Bessel functions on there.
"gsl_sf_bessel_lnKnu overflows for large nu"
which the developers have acknowledged and ha
sage-4.5.3 seems to be fine on my machine. I'm now trying to upgrade.
There is one detail that may be relevant: While I tried to build
sage-4.6, the computer crashed. Later, I typed "make" again, in order
to complete the build process. Perhaps this is then things went wrong.
Best regards,