On Apr 10, 1:32 am, Adam Getchell wrote:
> Hi all,
> I realize this maybe a bit of an insane question, but I'm looking for a way
> to use ecl within sage besides:
> ./sage -ecl
For example,
lisp("(def x 1)(defun f (x)(+ x 1))(f 2)")
Alec Mihailovs
To post to this group, send email t
Hi all,
I realize this maybe a bit of an insane question, but I'm looking for a way
to use ecl within sage besides:
./sage -ecl
I have googled for relevant results, but documentation on
sage.interfaces.lisp seems broken right now:
Alec Mihailovs a écrit :
On Apr 9, 8:59 pm, William Stein wrote:
A 5000x5000 matrix just isn't really that big, IMHO...
That's true - should work in just few seconds - I meant REALLY big
matrices - actually, sometimes such a thing should work faster even
for not that big matrices - in case i
For M, you could do something like
html.table([[r,(M-matrix(2,2,r)).right_kernel().basis_matrix()] for r
in M.eigenvalues()])
And numerically the eigenvectors could be found as
Can anyone tell me if there's a way to find the eigenvectors of
this matrix in sage?
sage: M=matrix([[1,1+i],[1-i,-1]])
sage: M=M/sqrt(3)
sage: M
[ 1/3*sqrt(3) (1/3*I + 1/3)*sqrt(3)]
[-(1/3*I + 1/3)*sqrt(3) -1/3*sqrt(3)]
sage: M^2
[1 0]
[0 1]
sage: M.eigenvalues()
[-1, 1]
On Apr 9, 8:59 pm, William Stein wrote:
> A 5000x5000 matrix just isn't really that big, IMHO...
Actially, thinking about that, who knows what size its elements could
be, if they are rational... They may be really big.
To post to this group, send email to sage-support@googlegroups.com
On Apr 9, 8:59 pm, William Stein wrote:
> A 5000x5000 matrix just isn't really that big, IMHO...
That's true - should work in just few seconds - I meant REALLY big
matrices - actually, sometimes such a thing should work faster even
for not that big matrices - in case if the virtual memory locate
On Friday, April 9, 2010, Alec Mihailovs wrote:
> On Apr 9, 1:53 pm, Leo Maloney wrote:
>> I'm trying to compute the inverse of a 5000 x 5000 sparse matrix. I'm
>> getting an EOF error after it runs for about 5 hours, and then it
>> states that sage is trying to access unallocated memory. Is th
On Apr 9, 1:53 pm, Leo Maloney wrote:
> I'm trying to compute the inverse of a 5000 x 5000 sparse matrix. I'm
> getting an EOF error after it runs for about 5 hours, and then it
> states that sage is trying to access unallocated memory. Is there a
> way I can increase the memory for this computa
For example,
var('t R_u c')
map(function,('R_b', 'psi', 'm_z'))
r = R_b(t)*sin(psi(t))
z = R_b(t)*cos(psi(t))+m_z(t)
Dr, Dz = r.diff(t), z.diff(t)
v=vector([Dr,Dz]) * vector([cos(psi(t)),sin(psi(t))])
w.substitute_function(m_z,lambda t:-sqrt(R_b(t)^2-R_u^2))
I did
sage: var('t R_u c')
(t, R_u, c)
sage: R_b = function('R_b', t)
sage: psi = function('psi', t)
sage: m_z = function('m_z', t)
sage: r(t) = R_b(t) * sin(psi(t))
sage: z(t) = R_b(t) * cos(psi(t)) + m_z(t)
sage: Dr = r.diff(t)
sage: Dz = z.diff(t)
sage: n = vect
On Friday, April 9, 2010, Leo Maloney wrote:
> My Matrix consists of zeros ones, and -1/9s, so I was intially
> computing it over Q. I'm trying to re-run the program over R in hopes
> that it will use approximations rather than try to explicitly state
> the fractions. I am using a Macintosh OSX
My Matrix consists of zeros ones, and -1/9s, so I was intially
computing it over Q. I'm trying to re-run the program over R in hopes
that it will use approximations rather than try to explicitly state
the fractions. I am using a Macintosh OSX with 4 gigs of ram, it
seems that this should be suffi
Leo Maloney wrote:
> I'm trying to compute the inverse of a 5000 x 5000 sparse matrix. I'm
> getting an EOF error after it runs for about 5 hours, and then it
> states that sage is trying to access unallocated memory. Is there a
> way I can increase the memory for this computation? Every time I
On Apr 9, 2010, at 10:53 AM, Leo Maloney wrote:
I'm trying to compute the inverse of a 5000 x 5000 sparse matrix.
What is the basering?
I'm getting an EOF error after it runs for about 5 hours, and then it
states that sage is trying to access unallocated memory. Is there a
way I can increas
I'm trying to compute the inverse of a 5000 x 5000 sparse matrix. I'm
getting an EOF error after it runs for about 5 hours, and then it
states that sage is trying to access unallocated memory. Is there a
way I can increase the memory for this computation? Every time I
Google it, all I can find i
16 matches
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