On May 29, 5:11 am, Gaëtan Bisson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Carl Witty wrote :
> > > For instance:
> > > R. = NumberField(x^2-3,'g')[]
> > > S. = R.fraction_field()[]
> > > xgcd(y^2, a*y+b)
> > > returns the error: (more below)
> > > : unsupported operand type(s) for %:
> > > '
Thank you. I just discovered that, while semantically imprecise,
Piecewise() affords the versatility to do this too -- it may, in fact,
implicitly do what you explained.
sage: f1 = lambda x:1
sage: f2 = lambda x:1-x
sage: f3 = lambda x:exp(x)
sage: f4 = lambda x:s
Hi Andrew,
You can do this by saving the plots to an object and then adding them together.
sage: t = var('t')
sage: p1 = parametric_plot( (s), sin(2*t)), 0, 2*pi, rgbcolor=hue(0.6) )
sage: p2 = parametric_plot( (cos(t), cos(3*t)), 0, 2*pi, rgbcolor=hue(0.3) )
sage: (p1+p2).show()
One can do thi
Is it possible to use parametric_plot to superimpose one function plot
onto another?
Currently I'm creating two separate plots, as below, but would rather
see them together and at the same scale.
parametric_plot( (x_1, y_1), beg_1, end_1 ).show()
parametric_plot( (x_2, y_2), beg_2, end_2
Here is what I was talking about in my first reply. It does not do
exactly what you want, in two ways:
(1) the expression for y output is a polynomial in the xi with
coefficients pollys in z, while I expect you hoped that would be the
other way round;
(2) The expression x*y does not simplify to 1
Carl Witty wrote :
> >
> > For instance:
> > R. = NumberField(x^2-3,'g')[]
> > S. = R.fraction_field()[]
> > xgcd(y^2, a*y+b)
> >
> > returns the error: (more below)
> > : unsupported operand type(s) for %:
> > 'sage.rings.number_field.number_field_element_quadratic.NumberFieldElement_qua
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Thank you very much for your reply!
The output for y which you sent below is exactly what I am looking
for. Can you please paste also the SAGE definitions which you use to
construct the field GF(2^8) (mod z^8+z^4+z^3+z+1), the polynomial ring
S, and finally the quotient of S by the 8 relations (x