[sage-devel] Problematic symbolic link in sage directory

2008-04-29 Thread Jason Martin
The symbolic link /home/was/www/sage/pre points to a non-existent referrent, which causes rsync on my mirror to skip file deletion (I'm using the "safe" mode for link following in rsync)... which is making my mirror at least grow a little faster than it should. Can this sym link be removed? --

[sage-devel] Re: fast vs viable (offline post)

2008-05-01 Thread Jason Martin
I think Sage is awesome. I've started using it in my research. I've been using it to teach classes, and I've even forced my students to learn Python (and Linux) in the process. Yes, Sage has lots of bugs, but at least I get to see the code, and if I'm motivated then I can even fix it myself. I

[sage-devel] Mirrors question

2008-07-11 Thread Jason Martin
I noticed that on http://www.sagemath.org/mirrors.html most of the mirrors are listed as "unknown" although they appear to work just fine when I checked them out, although they are mirroring the sage.math stuff. Should we mirror operators be pulling from a different place? Also, rsync is complia

[sage-devel] Can a 32-bit Python call a 64-bit library via the Python/C API?

2007-02-06 Thread Jason Martin
Hi All, I'm trying to build a 64-bit Sage for Mac OS X (Tiger). However, I can't get a 64-bit Python to build because not enough of the fundamental Apple libraries are 64-bit... and I can't get a 32-bit Python build to accurately use the 64-bit libraries I can get built. The problem appears to b

[sage-devel] Re: Determining the number of CPUs

2007-02-07 Thread Jason Martin
On Linux, grep /proc/cpuinfo for lines beginning with "processor". Take the line with the biggest number and add one to it. Kinda kludgey, but that's the first thing that comes to mind. On OS X, the command "sysctl hw.ncpu" will give it to you. On Solaris, I believe that "procinfo" will give it

[sage-devel] Identifying number of cores, building 64-bit on OS X, and Linbox

2007-02-07 Thread Jason Martin
1. Many different web sources seem to indicate that the prefered way of finding out the number of cores in Linux is just to grep /proc/cpuinfo as Fernando's code does. The use of the CPUID instruction for this purpose is discouraged since it isn't consistent between AMD and Intel chips, so ignor

[sage-devel] 64-bit guest OS in Mac OS X VMs

2007-02-12 Thread Jason Martin
Since we were discussing how to provide 64-bit sage on Macs... Looks like VMware is entering the competition with Parallels to provide virtual machines for OSX. The VMware beta is free (for now) and claims to support 64-bit guest OSes. I'll try it out later this week and see if I can get Sage t

[sage-devel] Anyone else try VMware Fusion (VMware for Macs)?

2007-02-17 Thread Jason Martin
Hi All, I was able to get 64-bit Ubuntu installed and running in a VMware virtual machine. Sage appears to build on it, too (that's as far as I've gotten in testing it). One problem I'm having is that I'd like to be able to login to the virtual machine remotely. However, I can't seem to get th

[sage-devel] Re: ianal but...

2007-02-18 Thread Jason Martin
I just learned what IANAL means, and indeed I am not a Lawyer, but point 3c of the Microsoft Permissive License appears to directly conflict with the GPL. --jason On 2/18/07, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello, > > Certain kind researchers at Microsoft Rsearch have code they would

[sage-devel] Re: ianal but...

2007-02-18 Thread Jason Martin
t see how the Microsoft Permissive License would cause any problem in a portion of software included with Sage. --jason On 2/18/07, Jason Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I just learned what IANAL means, and indeed I am not a Lawyer, but > point 3c of the Microsoft Permissive L

[sage-devel] need some beta-testers for a sage gmp patch

2007-02-18 Thread Jason Martin
Hi All, I've been tweaking the gmp used in sage. Right now this will only benefit Linux users who have a core2 processor. However, I'd like to make sure that my changes don't break the sage build on other platforms. So, I'd appreciate any and all feedback! Instructions and the beta gmp spkg a

[sage-devel] Sage mirror scripts

2007-02-19 Thread Jason Martin
If someone who is already mirroring sage could send me scripts for syncing the mirror and a brief description of the setup, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm also willing to run a sage notebook if it's easy to setup. (However, the dinky pentium4 that I've setup for this task might not be powerful e

[sage-devel] New sage mirror... let me know if you see any errors

2007-02-22 Thread Jason Martin
Just finished getting a new sage mirror setup. It took nearly 28 hours for the initial sync!! (Average connection speed was only around 100kB/s.) Anway, when you have time to kill, go to http://modular.math.jmu.edu and let me know if I've mis-configured anything. Thanks, jason -- Jason

[sage-devel] Problem building sage-2.2 on OS X (error with MPFI build picking up external MPFR lib)

2007-03-02 Thread Jason Martin
I'm not familiar with the MPFI source tree. This is probably something we should tell the list about since we want to make sure that Sage builds completely from the components it gets distributed with and doesn't try to pick up outside libraries. --jason On 3/2/07, Jason Martin <[EM

[sage-devel] Re: Problem building sage-2.2 on OS X (error with MPFI build picking up external MPFR lib)

2007-03-05 Thread Jason Martin
-jason On 3/2/07, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On Friday 02 March 2007 8:30 am, Jason Martin wrote: > > The problem is that the linker is picking up my 64-bit version of > > libmpfr.a located in /usr/local/lib instead of the 32-bit libmpfr.a > > located in s

[sage-devel] Re: some ramblings about the relationship between sage and MAGMA

2007-03-19 Thread Jason Martin
Don't feel like you need to spend too much time defending Sage. It speaks for itself. It's free, open source, and improving daily. And, even though I greatly admire "a top research mathematician who happens to write assembly code to find Hecke operators... now who might that be," I don't think

[sage-devel] Sage rep. at ECCAD?

2007-03-27 Thread Jason Martin
Hi All, Are any Sage evangelists planning to attend the East Coast Computer Algebra Day? http://eccad07.washcoll.edu/ --jason -- Jason Worth Martin Asst. Prof. of Mathematics James Madison University http://www.math.jmu.edu/~martin phone: (+1) 540-568-5101 fax: (+1) 540-568-6857 "Ever my hea

[sage-devel] Re: Is LiDIA valuable for free software and number theory?

2007-04-23 Thread Jason Martin
I looked at LiDIA a long time ago (like 1999 or 2000) and I remember being very impressed both with its scope and with its modular (i.e. recursive) data types and programming dogma. However, I decided against using it simply because of its license. I suspect that other developers may have made t

[sage-devel] Re: SEP: Valgrind & Sage integration: Hunting memory leaks

2007-08-21 Thread Jason Martin
Hi Bill, What you may be seeing is Valgrind not being able to detect the memory aliasing you're using in that complex loop condition ((i < test_mpn_poly->limbs) && (result == 1)). If you can re-create this exact error using a similar snipet of code in a tiny example program, it would be worth se

[sage-devel] Re: gmp, mpfr, ecm

2007-09-12 Thread Jason Martin
I'm currently testing several of the major GMP patches with gmp-4.2.2. Should have some results by this weekend. On 9/12/07, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > On Sep 12, 10:37 pm, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On 9/12/07, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > >

[sage-devel] Re: Burlington, VT on May 30-31, 2008

2007-09-20 Thread Jason Martin
I'm interested. I am currently teaching a discrete math class where I am using Sage as an integral component of the course. The first project, which was due today, had the students finding primes in consecutive digits of "e"... like the Google competition, but with a catch: they had to prompt th

[sage-devel] Re: gmp 4.2.2 LGPL V3 issues and other minor tidbits

2007-09-23 Thread Jason Martin
Some thoughts: 1. I've been doing some performance comparisons on GMP 4.2.2 with the patches that Sage uses, and I haven't seen any remarkable differences between 4.2.2 and 4.2.1. Granted, I have only tested Linux on AMD64/Intel64 and OS X on Intel64. Perhaps some other platforms have a greate

[sage-devel] gmp 4.2.2 vs. 4.2.1 performance

2007-09-23 Thread Jason Martin
On 9/23/07, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On 9/23/07, Jason Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Some thoughts: > > > > 1. I've been doing some performance comparisons on GMP 4.2.2 with the > > patches that Sage uses, and I have

[sage-devel] Re: gmp 4.2.2 LGPL V3 issues and other minor tidbits

2007-09-23 Thread Jason Martin
My vote would be to change the sage license to "GPLv2 or later" and try to get the Singular developers to do likewise. Mainly because that is less work. Does changing Sage to "v2 or later" require Sage to adopted future GPL changes? My interpretation is that it simply gives users the option to

[sage-devel] Re: gmp 4.2.2 LGPL V3 issues and other minor tidbits

2007-09-25 Thread Jason Martin
> Actually GMP is far from stale. Anyway, I put the chances of a > viable GMP fork in the next year at 1% (see below). > > It would be very useful to figure out what the situation is with Singular's > licensing plans. Do they have a mailing list or something? > > -- William > > Why I think GMP

[sage-devel] Re: SAGE on Leopard

2007-10-29 Thread Jason Martin
Has anyone tried a 64-bit build on Leopard? I just picked up Leopard today, so I'll hopefully have a running Leopard machine tomorrow on which to start playing. Just wondering if, for example, python can build in 64-bit mode on Leopard. --jason On 10/29/07, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wr

[sage-devel] Sage mirror modular.math.jmu.edu down through this weekend

2007-11-06 Thread Jason Martin
The sage mirror I run, modular.math.jmu.edu currently has a full disk, so it will be down/out-of-date through this weekend when I'll switch-out the disk with a newer one. --jason --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.co

[sage-devel] Improved GMP code for Core 2 machines (Including Core 2 Macs)

2006-12-02 Thread Jason Martin
Hi All, I've released a new patch for GMP on Core 2 machines. The patch works for Linux and Mac OS X (and probably other Unix type systems that run on Core 2 machines, but I haven't tested them). The patch includes an installation script which detects the processor type and will only install if

[sage-devel] Re: google and "sage dot math"

2006-12-04 Thread Jason Martin
Another alternative for manipulating Google is to get everyone you know to include links to (a single) Sage webpage. Also, putting even a short entry in Wikipedia (with a link to the same Sage page) seems to help tremendously. Try to get folks to link to sage from their "official" pages (for exa

[sage-devel] Re: SAGE development machines

2006-12-13 Thread Jason Martin
Another consideration, since you've already decided on a Mac Pro, is to get Parallels (a commerical virtualization package for OS X). It will allow you to run all the Linux and Windows Distributions you want on the Mac Pro. Plus, if you wait until late Jan. to purchase the machine, it will proba

[sage-devel] Re: sage-2.0 !

2007-01-04 Thread Jason Martin
Hi All, Just to chime in a little bit here. I prefer (a) (the integrate it into PARI option) because I'm currently working on a C/OpenMPI code to perform a bunch of the PARI linear algebra stuff in parallel systems. Should have flakey-half-way-working code by mid. Feb., but my target is to make