Ok, most errors have been adressed. They turned out to be mostly due to
some optional packages having dependencies outside of sage, but not
complaining about these at installation time, but only during runtime.
On Friday, 15 September 2017 22:50:02 UTC+2, Maarten Derickx wrote:
> The packages
The packages needing packages external to sage to be installed raise the
question wether optional packages are allowed to have dependencies other
then sage. To me it feels a bit weird if you first need to install
something outside of sage before you can install the package, however this
seems l
In my ongoing quest of trying to get fewer patchbot failures I started at
least with installing all optional packages. I now have every optional
package returned by::
sage: optional_packages()
except the following:
gmp - this package installs fine but one has to choose between mpir and
In case you did not notice, you are just preventing an important
discussion concerning the management of optional packages to happen...
On 15/09/2017 10:28, Jeroen Demeyer wrote:
On 2017-09-15 09:00, Jori Mäntysalo wrote:
If so, a
bug in Sage could -- at least in theory -- lead a compromise to