The hard drive that serves the http://sagemath.org website, all
wiki's, etc., stopped working at 3am this morning.
It's in Seattle, and I'm in California.Tom Boothby is the other
person who can work on this stuff, and I haven't
heard from him for a while. Until I do, there will be major
There will be at least 4 hours or more of downtime for the wiki's,
sagemath site, etc.
This is because somebody decided to start the sagemath virtualmachine
at the same time as it was already started, thus mounting the disk
twice. Not good.
-- William
William Stein
Associate Professor
After being rock solid for 9 months, the VMware server crashed badly
on boxen.math.washington.edu, and we absolutely could not get it to
work despite repeated clean reinstalls, reboots, etc. Repeatedly
tempted by things appearing to work, I tried to migrate the virtual
infrastructure to