[sage-devel] p-adics: ticket #5778

2009-04-30 Thread David Roe
Hey all, There's a set of patches needing review. It brings doctest coverage of the p-adics folder from 28.3% to 100%, restructures the files so that the directory is less cluttered, deletes a number of files (some due to the restructuring, some getting rid of lazy p-adics which are currently not

[sage-devel] p-adics

2007-01-25 Thread David Roe
Hey all, Genya and I have code for p-adic ring and field classes and are currently debugging and writing documentation. If you're interested I've posted the four files at sage.math.washington.edu/home/roed/padics07 I've been running into some trouble figuring out how to change everything I need

[sage-devel] p-adics and power series

2006-10-29 Thread David Roe
Hey all, So, I'm making progress on p-adics and power series, though slowly. A couple of questions about unifying the terminology. 1. There are numerous possibilities for talking about the various types of precision (eg precision, relative precision, modulus, big_oh...). There are two concepts