The problem is always the same : some Sage graphs are created as instances
of BipartiteGraph (*), and even though some methods may not need to modify
it they copy it and work on the copy, or well
The point is : it must be the 5th bug report I see whose answer is "You
used a BipartiteGraph
> Any ideas on the cube graph error? I tried giving it an integer, but it
> still wasn't happy.
The TypeError looks like a sign that someone assumed that the vertices
would be integers and non-integer labels managed to sneak through some
code path somehow. No idea how long CubeGraph(5) would take
I'm refereeing a paper on matching polynomials, so I want to use Sage to
check some things. This is literally the very first thing I tried:
sage: g = graphs.CompleteBipartiteGraph(4,3)
sage: g.matching_polynomial()
RuntimeError: Edge vertices must lie in different partitions.
I tried