[sage-devel] inner product of complex vectors

2012-09-12 Thread Jason Grout
I'm curious: is there a good reason why the product of two complex vectors does not conjugate the first vector (which would yield the standard inner product for complex vectors). Note: sage: v=vector(CDF,[2+I,5]) sage: v (2.0 + 1.0*I, 5.0) sage: v*v 28.0 + 4.0*I sage: v.column().H*v.column() [

[sage-devel] inner product of complex vectors

2008-01-06 Thread Fabio Tonti
sage: u=vector([2+3*I,5+2*I,-3+I]) sage: v=vector([1+2*I,-4+5*I,0+5*I]) sage: p1=u*v;p1.expand() 9*I - 39 sage: p2=u.inner_product(v);p2.expand() 9*I - 39 sage: p3=u.dot_product(v);p3.expand() 9*I - 39 sage: p4=u.inner_product(vector([i.conjugate() for i in v]));p4.expand() 3 - 19*I Am I right in