Sorry for the noise. With this modification, the notebook server runs but
at some unexpected moment it stops. I saw these error messages in log,
maybe related:
Apr 24 14:10:08 sage-mtm saged.mtm[14139]: 2017-04-24T14:10:08+0200 [-]
WSGI application error
Apr 24 14:10:08 sage-mtm saged.mtm[141
Not sure either, but I changed the file. Anyway, probably the issue had to
do with the number of open files. I added the following lines in
root soft nofile 655360
sage soft nofile 655360
root hard nofile 655360
sage hard nofile 655360
(sage is the user owning sage notebooks). Af
Not sure if this is related, but one thing that goes wrong with
the upgrade to IPython 5.0 is that multiline output gets an
extraneous blank line, for example instead of
sage: identity_matrix(2)
[1 0]
[0 1]
we get
sage: identity_matrix(2)
[1 0]
[0 1]
This is solved in I
I tried again to launch sagenb server (7.6) again avoiding the ulimit
restrictions, and it seems ulimit is not responsible for it. After some
hours the server does not respond, syslog register tons of these messages:
Apr 19 12:41:47 sage-mtm saged.mtm[15141]: 2017-04-19T12:41:47+0200
As expected, no change in 7.6. I thought about creating a ticket but
besides the fact that the upgrade of ipython seems to be responsible I have
no idea how.
El miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017, 14:26:35 (UTC+1), Enrique Artal
> The following may be related, I encountered it doing s
The following may be related, I encountered it doing some administration in
our notebooks (sagenb). The following happens in both Sage 7.4 and 7.5 (it
executes the orders but the warning may suggest some issue in the
relationship of sagenb and ipython). No warning in 7.3
sage: import sys