What a coincidence. One of the algorithms discussed by that paper is
by Cocks; and I heard Cocks give a lecture about it last Monday (he
just received an honorary degree from the University of Bristol where
I am visiting, as those of you who were at SD6 know). And both the
paper and Cocks in hi
A friend of mine also pointed out the following, which uses Sage to compare
runtimes for different algorithms:
Dan Boneh, Craig Gentry, Michael Hamburg. http://crypto.stanford.edu/~dabo/pubs.html";>Space-efficient identity based
encryption without pairings (37 pages), Proceedings FOCS 2007.
On Feb 23, 2008, at 10:33 AM, Alex Ghitza wrote:
> David Harvey, http://arxiv.org/abs/0708.3404";>Efficient
> computation of p-adic heights (18 pages), 2007.
This will appear soon in LMS JCM.
> David Harvey, http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0610973";>Kedlaya's
> algorithm in