On Apr 23, 2009, at 1:51 AM, Kwankyu wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> Thank you. I just found examples in the reference using multivariate
> quotient rings.
> May I ask a similar question about hermite normal form of matrices
> over univariate polynomial ring? ^^
Don't think it's implemented yet, but y
Hi Robert,
Thank you. I just found examples in the reference using multivariate
quotient rings.
May I ask a similar question about hermite normal form of matrices
over univariate polynomial ring? ^^
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On Apr 23, 2009, at 1:29 AM, Kwankyu wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems that multivariate polynomial quotient rings are not in Sage
> yet. Is someone working to fill this gap? or should I rely on Singular
> or Magma interface? or should I attempt to implement my own toyish
> one? Give me an advice. Thank