A usable version, with source, is posted at the wiki:
Thanks for all the help, its much improved for the suggestions and
extra eyes looking it over.
If you ever wanted to become more knowledgeable about one corner of
Sage, consider writing a QuickRef. ;-)
I p
When I put a final copy up on the wiki (tonight?) it will include the
On May 10, 8:05 am, Marshall Hampton wrote:
> Fantastic, thanks for distributing this! Is the latex file available
> too?
> -Marshall Hampton
> On May 9, 12:00 am, Rob Beezer wrote:
> > I've put together a quic
Fantastic, thanks for distributing this! Is the latex file available
-Marshall Hampton
On May 9, 12:00 am, Rob Beezer wrote:
> I've put together a quick reference sheet (two pages) for linear
> algebra commands in Sage. I'll do a bit more clean-up on this before
> posting a final copy on
Thanks for the suggestions!
Rado - yes, indicating what right/left means would be very helpful. I
think in most Sage commands it is where the vector lies, but adding
this in will answer that question.
Golam - from my PDF viewer, on a laser printer, the blue functions
print slightly bolded and i
Hi Rob,
On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 2:00 AM, Rob Beezer wrote:
> I'd really like to hear about any glaring omissions, or gross
> misunderstandings of categories, vector spaces, modules, rings and/or
> fields. Draft copy at
> http://buzzard.ups.edu/sage/quickref-linalg.pdf
It looks pretty good! Sp
This is very useful, I will definately use it. An extended version can
have a list of the similar commands in Mathematica,Maple,Matlab (to
decrease the anxiety for the new converts). Something like
http://www.scipy.org/NumPy_for_Matlab_Users a page I find more useful
than the whole numpy manual.