Ops, i sent a wrong version. Here is the last one, with added suport
for rings over transcendental extensions:
def coerce_ring_from_singular(r):
if ch=='real':
elif ch=='0':
> This still doesn't work the right way for finite extension fields:
> sage: k. = GF(2^8)
> sage: P. = k[]
> sage: P
> Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Finite Field in a of size 2^8
> sage: r = P._singular_()
> sage: coerce_ring_from_singular(r)
> Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y
Hi there,
below a couple of quick comments:
> def coerce_ring_from_singular(r):
> cha=str(r.charstr())
> vars=str(r.varstr()).rsplit(',')
> ch=cha.partition(',')[0]
> if ch=='real':
> fiel=RR
> elif ch=='0':
> fiel=QQ
> elif ch=='complex':
> fiel=C
Ok, here is a revised version. I think i solved pretty much all of the
previous problems, except for considering the orderings. I will work
on that tomorrow. Again, i would like to hear what you think about it.
Just one comment in case you decide to include it in the sage code. I
think the best o
On Sunday 07 September 2008, mmarco wrote:
> Martin Albrecht ha escrito:
> > Hi Miguel,
> >
> > can you be convinced to work on it some more?
> Sure
Hi there,
> I will take a look at it, considering your comments. The reason why i
> didn't use most of what you suggested is because i didn't kn
Martin Albrecht ha escrito:
> Hi Miguel,
> can you be convinced to work on it some more?
I will take a look at it, considering your comments. The reason why i
didn't use most of what you suggested is because i didn't know about
it (i am new to sage). I will take a look at it and try to w
Hi Miguel,
can you be convinced to work on it some more?
1) Local orderings are fully supported in Sage. Take a look at
where you'll also find a dictionary with mappings from Singular term order
names to Sage term order names (and vice versa).
2) Your co