> I just add Sage-combinat-devel for the following issue :
> The first problem appearing when I try to invert is that a method :
> change_variable_name rename the variable used in the charpoly :
> ***
> def change_variable_name(self, var):
Le 10/07/2013 17:10, David Roe a écrit :
I think the right solution is to define a method inverse_of_unit for
general square matrices, implemented exactly as you suggest (it should
go in matrix0.pyx). Unlike __invert__, this would not change base
rings and would fail for matrices with non-un
I do not know how to inverse a matrix over a special ring. The ring is
> SymmetricFunction(QQ).schur() . For information, this ring has no method
> is_unit for its elements (perhaps required to invert a matrix with a unit
> determinant...) and this ring has no fraction_field implemented.
> I woul
Hello all,
I do not know how to inverse a matrix over a special ring. The ring is
SymmetricFunction(QQ).schur() . For information, this ring has no method
is_unit for its elements (perhaps required to invert a matrix with a
unit determinant...) and this ring has no fraction_field implemented.