Nico will release 11.5.2 probably later today.
Robert Bradshaw wrote:
> Thanks. Looks good to me. Where can I get some jars to play around
> with this?
> Any more work on the zip file stuff?
> - Robert
Jmol 11.5.1 has
pmesh binary "filename"
It's just experimental -- totally up to you what you want there, Robert
-- but for now it looks like this:
described here:
seems to work with
Robert Bradshaw wrote:
> On Dec 30, 2007, at 10:38 AM, Bob Hanson wrote:
>> Robert Bradshaw wrote:
> Yep, I think this is the way to go. You mentioned curves, arrows, and
> ellipses. What are the commands for curves/arrows? (If the
> documentation is clea
Robert Bradshaw wrote:
> On Dec 29, 2007, at 9:15 PM, Robert Hanson wrote:
>> I'm a bit lost on this thread, but I wanted to respond to the
>> binary/multiple file issue.
>> First, it's a fine idea to create a binary Pmesh file format. If we do
>> that, though, let's not rush into it and jus
possibly, but let's talk first about what you are really interested in
doing, then talk format. Arrays aren't necessarily the solution. Pmesh
is not what you want for simple planes and objects -- that is for
complex mathematical descriptions of surfaces. Using specific colorings
and shadings
ited that
you might be interested in integrating Jmol with Sage. Looking forward
to hearing from you,
Bob Hanson
(Current) Principal Developer, Jmol
Professor of Chemistry, St. Olaf College