Marc Mezzarobba wrote:
> Could someone with the required permissions please approve the CI
> workflows at ?
Thanks btw to whoever did it before!
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Are you really trying to build the 3-years-old version 9.5, or is that just
the name of the dir? In the latter case, please post the full config.log
El martes, 28 de enero de 2025 a las 14:41:18 UTC+1,
> Hi,
> After running ./configure then make, I get greeted wit
See the several reports about this on sage-support.
El martes, 28 de enero de 2025 a las 14:41:25 UTC+1,
> I tried to compile from sagemath 10.5 source, but I get an error at some
> point that stops the compilation: "Error installing package sagelib-10.5".
> The co
That worked and I was able to successfully build sage.
Unfortunately it started failing again once I pulled the latest version
Now ./configure is failing with the following error:
configure: error: found a good version of tar in /bin//tar, but it's not
the first "tar" program in y
It seems that this is intended? The correct equivalent code is:
sage: gens = [[(2, 4)], [(1, 2)]]
sage: pg = PermutationGroup(gens=gens); pg
Permutation Group with generators [(2,4), (1,2)]
sage: pg._libgap_()
Group([ (2,4), (1,2) ])
sage: pg = PermutationGroup(gens=gens, domain={1, 2, 4}); pg
The following code shows that subgroups of automorphism groups of graphs
are handled wrongly:
sage: g = Graph([[1, 2, 4], []])
sage: a = g.automorphism_group()
sage: print(a)
Permutation Group with generators [(2,4), (1,2)]
sage: print(a.commutator())
Permutation Group with generators [(1,2,3)]
Could someone with the required permissions please approve the CI
workflows at ?
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