I vote for (A1) and no other options.
In fact, I don't think size related labels should be a thing at all, so the
second half of (A1), i.e. "the[y] must be added manually (like most other
labels)", should preferably be removed as well. (The wording suggests they will
be kept and added manually.)
On Friday, June 14, 2024 at 11:52:00 PM UTC-7 Vincent Delecroix wrote:
> Ideally, there would be a "make the feature even nicer" solution rather
than "get rid of that s***". Though, this requires a concrete proposal more
than a vote
Exactly, that's why a proper participation in the discussion be
I agree with what Vincent said in the other thread. Thus for decision (A1),
we just turn the script off so that we could revive it in future for some
other useful functionality.
One such functionality is to add component labels (aka "c:" labels)
automatically by analyzing what part of sage cod