[sage-devel] Re: Possible bug in SetPartitions constructor?

2022-02-14 Thread 'Travis Scrimshaw' via sage-devel
As Martin said, this is not a bug. However, the error message itself is slightly vague because it only states partition. We could simply run sorted(part, reverse=True) before passing it off to create the Partition in the SetPartitions __classcall__. This would make the behavior less surprising,

[sage-devel] Re: Possible bug in SetPartitions constructor?

2022-02-14 Thread 'Martin R' via sage-devel
The argument providing the block sizes is required to be an integer partition (or something that sage can make into an integer partition), as the error message indicates. One might argue that Partition (and hence SetPartition) should take lists in any order, but this would also increase the lik

Re: [sage-devel] Re: New trac status badges

2022-02-14 Thread Matthias Koeppe
Ticket for gitpod usability improvements: https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/33113 On Monday, February 14, 2022 at 2:01:29 AM UTC-8 Dima Pasechnik wrote: > Hi, > I'm testing this on a ticket, and noticed that the Ubuntu host it runs > on has Linuxbrew installed. > > gitpod /workspace/sagetrac-mir

Re: [sage-devel] Re: New trac status badges

2022-02-14 Thread Tobias Diez
I agree that linuxbrew might not be most optimal choice for sage. It is currently installed by gitpod automatically in their full-image that we use. But they are also in the process to restructure their images at https://github.com/gitpod-io/workspace-images/tree/master. For example, the new wo

[sage-devel] Possible bug in SetPartitions constructor?

2022-02-14 Thread mitchondra
Hello, I am currently working with set partitions and I encountered possible bug when creating SetPartitions instance with specified partition sizes: ``` sage: SetPartitions(10, [4,3,2,1])

Re: [sage-devel] Re: New trac status badges

2022-02-14 Thread Dima Pasechnik
Hi, I'm testing this on a ticket, and noticed that the Ubuntu host it runs on has Linuxbrew installed. gitpod /workspace/sagetrac-mirror (public/build/github_build) $ which brew /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew As a result, ./configure thinks it's a Homebrew macOS system... (This is e.g. trac 3