I think thats backwards, you want to control timestamps and the answer is
to script some convoluted way of merging branches for very specific
circumstances? Why not control timestamps?
You really need to a) save timestamps and b) restore timestamps for
unmodified files. To be reliable a) needs
It would be great is at least the developer docs get an short explanation
of how to do this with plain git.
(or at least *here* :-))
Deja vu for me: I
posted https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sage-devel/hea2Ncbki7Y/cV47AWjDBwAJ
a while ago, and now I don't even remember how exactly 'git workspace'
So, back to the git worktree plan? I had it mostly working before
switching to this approach. If $SAGE_ROOT is /path/to/sage-7.4, it checks
out to a sibling folder /path/to/sage-7.4_merge_tree. Automating it is a
bit more complicated though; if the merge fails and the user has to correct
it manu
Thats a wrong-way merge and is confusing if one ever wants to understand
the history of the ticket. The convention is that the feature branch is
first, and you merge in dependencies.
On Sunday, November 20, 2016 at 2:31:57 AM UTC+1, David Roe wrote:
> I've implemented a new git-trac command
On Sunday, November 20, 2016 at 8:28:28 AM UTC+1, Martin R wrote:
> 2.As to guessing holonomic recurrences there is the Ore algebra package.
>> It would be nice to have a tutorial.
> what's wrong with https://arxiv.org/abs/1306.4263 ?
Let me rephrase that. It would be nice to have ore-