On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 2:32 PM, mmarco wrote:
> I have added https support for the wiki page, with a certificate signed by
> letsnecrypt. The http version redirects to the https version.
Thank you!
> It is possible that your browser might complain about insecure elements in
> the page. That i
Thanks; that worked.
On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 4:10 AM, Jeroen Demeyer
> On 2016-01-23 22:34, David Roe wrote:
>> python -u setup.py install
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>File "setup.py", line
On Sunday, January 24, 2016 at 1:46:34 PM UTC-8, Volker Braun wrote:
> Yes you can set it up the way you want, this is about what a sane DEFAULT
> is. And the best machine parseable output is, like the best output for the
> visually impared, not the best output for the majority of our potential
I have added https support for the wiki page, with a certificate signed by
letsnecrypt. The http version redirects to the https version.
It is possible that your browser might complain about insecure elements in
the page. That is due to resources that are taken from other webpages that
either h
Yes you can set it up the way you want, this is about what a sane DEFAULT
is. And the best machine parseable output is, like the best output for the
visually impared, not the best output for the majority of our potential
users. On the plus side they will never become our users as long as we try
You can always setup your Sage to your custom preferences by adding things
to "~/.sage/init.sage". In this case, just add "%display unicode_art".
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"sage-devel" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and st
On Sunday, January 24, 2016 at 9:10:27 AM UTC-8, Nathann Cohen wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I just noticed that M.str(unicode=True) (when M is a matrix) prints the
> matrix very nicely (especially when it is a block matrix), with pretty
> parentheses on both sides.
> sage: print matrix.b
> Like for matrices, to come back to the topic?
Indeed, repr(a_matrix) doesn't follow Python's syntax. And list of
matrices is even worse:
sage: [matrix.ones(4) for i in range(4)]
[1 1 1 1] [1 1 1 1] [1 1 1 1] [1 1 1 1]
[1 1 1 1] [1 1 1 1] [1 1 1 1] [1 1 1 1]
[1 1 1 1]
On Sunday, January 24, 2016 at 2:09:20 PM UTC-5, vdelecroix wrote:
> Yes, you break the fact that for many objects you can copy/paste the
> output to get your object back
Like for matrices, to come back to the topic?
Also, is the Sage output primarily for humans or primarily machine-parsabl
Yes, you break the fact that for many objects you can copy/paste the
output to get your object back
sage: %display plain
sage: integral(gamma(x), x)
integrate(gamma(x), x)
sage: eval("integrate(gamma(x), x)")
integrate(gamma(x), x)
sage: %display unicode_art
sage: integrate(gamma(x), x)
Okay. So let's say that we enable ascii_art by default: is there a
unintended consequence? Or should we just do that?
On 24 January 2016 at 19:57, Volker Braun wrote:
> There is no bulletproof way for the program to determine whether the
> terminal can display unicode. But every half-way
There is no bulletproof way for the program to determine whether the
terminal can display unicode. But every half-way recent terminal can, and
we have been using unicode in the startup banner for years without
problems. I'd just assume that it works by default nowadays.
%display unicode_art als
Ok. http://trac.sagemath.org/19953 created, working on it.
El jueves, 21 de enero de 2016, 20:45:31 (UTC+1), jhonrubia6 escribió:
> Does it makes sense to you if I modify the plot.py docstrings in order to
> include PLOT:: blocks? Wouldn't it be more clear for newbies? (well it wold
> have hel
> sage: %display unicode_art
> sage: matrix.block(3,3,[matrix.ones(2)]*9)
Would it be safe to enable unicode_art on startup if it is supported?
Or does it mean that many objects will be displayed with drawings
instead of their usual representation as a consequence?
I am trying to figure out *how*
Vincent Delecroix wrote:
> At least you can do
> sage: from sage.repl.rich_output import get_display_manager
> sage: dm = get_display_manager()
> sage: dm.text = 'unicode_art'
sage: %display unicode_art
sage: matrix.block(3,3,[matrix.ones(2)]*9)
Detecting the locale is apparently rather straightforward:
sage: import locale
sage: locale.getdefaultlocale()
('en_US', 'UTF-8')
Not sure that I know where the code must be written, though ^^;
On 24 January 2016 at 18:25, Nathann Cohen wrote:
> Y,
>> sage: from s
> sage: from sage.repl.rich_output import get_display_manager
> sage: dm = get_display_manager()
> sage: dm.text = 'unicode_art'
> sage: matrix([[2,1],[2,2]])
> ⎛2 1⎞
> ⎝2 2⎠
Oh, True. But I have to use .str() all the time though, because my
matrices are too large to appear in the __re
At least you can do
sage: from sage.repl.rich_output import get_display_manager
sage: dm = get_display_manager()
sage: dm.text = 'unicode_art'
sage: matrix([[2,1],[2,2]])
⎛2 1⎞
⎝2 2⎠
There was a proposal in
to actually make it the default if th
Hello everybody,
I just noticed that M.str(unicode=True) (when M is a matrix) prints the
matrix very nicely (especially when it is a block matrix), with pretty
parentheses on both sides.
sage: print matrix.block(3,3,[matrix.ones(2)]*9).str(unicode=True)
Would it be possible to make it the defa
On 2016-01-23 22:34, David Roe wrote:
python -u setup.py install
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "setup.py", line 47, in
from module_list import ext_modules, library_order, aliases
File "/projects/7e31f8f
20 matches
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