[sage-devel] Re: bugs in graphs?

2007-04-28 Thread Robert Miller
The attached bundle fixes these bugs and also includes some of the latest optimizations to NICE. Thanks for the bug report! On 4/27/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Tried to show3d a digraph, got the following: > > > > Tried to compute the automorphism group for a graph with (ap

[sage-devel] algebra/coercion bug in mpoly rings

2007-04-28 Thread Kyle Schalm
i thought all these sorts of things were ironed out by now: In [24]: z*d1 --- Traceback (most recent call last) /home/kyle/ in () /home/kyle/element.pyx in element.RingElement.__mul__() /home/kyle/element.pyx