Re: [] Theming for Sabily .

2010-08-27 الحوار Abdelmonam Kouka
Wa alaykom assalem wa rahmato Allah, You are welcome brother, we need new theme..and why not many new themes for Sabily, one as a default one and the others can be installed by users if they like. hereafter some free and open source themes for ubuntu that you can customize for Sabily: http://www.b

[] Theming for Sabily .

2010-08-27 الحوار Sary Muhammad
Assalamu Alykum , My brothers in Sabily team , hope Y'all doing fine and may Allah accept our fasting and good deeds. My brothers .. i whould like to learn about theming in Ubuntu just for Sabily I searched for theming resources .. found some but it's too old ! so , any clue for a theme manger