Preferred orientation and lattice parameters

2014-02-05 Thread Breogan Pato Doldan
Dear rietvelders, I have carried out the single crystal resolution and the PXRD Le Bail refinement of a Metal Organic Framework. The compound crystalizes as needles and there is a clear in-plane preferred orientation along the c-axis. There is a mismatch between the single crystal and the Le Bai

Re: Preferred orientation and lattice parameters

2014-02-05 Thread Breogan Pato Doldan
ot; Para: "Breogan Pato Doldan" , "" Enviados: Miércoles, 5 de Febrero 2014 11:55:59 Asunto: Re: Preferred orientation and lattice parameters How much mismatch? If you're getting a good profile fit, I'd be inclined to doubt that it is a consequence

Conversion between powder X-ray files in Linux

2017-10-02 Thread Breogan Pato Doldan
Dear Rietvelders, I am wondering if there is any program in Linux for the conversion between different formats of powder X-ray files. Kind regards, Breogán Pato Doldán ++ Please do NOT attach files to the whole list Send commands to