Re: NAC standard

2014-03-03 Thread Andy FITCH
Dear Łukasz, NAC is not a standard as it has never been subjected to any sort of formal procedure to ascertain its characteristics. Indeed each batch can be different. However, it is often highly crystalline, and so gives sharp peaks in a powder diffraction pattern, depending on which batc

Re: CCP14/RIET: Restrained Rietveld Refinement of Organics tutorials page

2000-10-27 Thread Andy Fitch
WinMprof has restraints for distance, angle, and same distance, whereby two distances are restrained to be the same unspecified valuevery useful for imposing on a molecule a local symmetry when this is not done by the space group. Andy At 19:21 26 10 00 +0100, you wrote: >PS: A few

Re: Difference in GSAS and DBWS/Fullprof

2001-01-05 Thread Andy Fitch
Nothing to do with site occupancies, fractional occupancy versus actual number of atoms, I suppose?   Andy At 13:33 05 01 01 +, you wrote: If there could be something "subtle" going on with the control file - is it possible to get the data and GSAS, Fullprof, and DBWS control files on a


2006-09-27 Thread Andy Fitch
Hi Simon, We have a question about pfd analysis. If my sample is two phase, so the diffraction pattern is the sum of two individual patterns, what does the G(r) show? Is it just the sum of two individual G(r)s or some mangled convolution between the two? Cheers Andy

Fwd: Re: [sdpd] Pt cell parameters versus temperature

2007-01-09 Thread Andy Fitch
The thermal evolution of the lattice parameters of Pt was discussed in 2005 on the SDPD list. One of the replies follows. Andy Subject: Re: [sdpd] Pt cell parameters versus temperature Comment: DomainKeys? See DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nof

Re: Kapton capillaries

2007-11-16 Thread Andy Fitch
Goodfellows Cole-Parmer See also "A rapidly filled capillary mount for both dry powder and polycrystalline slurry samples". R. B. Von Dreele. J. Appl. Cryst. (2006). 39, 124–126 Andy At 19:49 16/11/2007, you wrote: Could someone please sugges