If your refinement looks good it doesn't necessarily mean your model is
true, just that you have a lot of parameters :-)
Negative temperature factors mean that your refinement is trying to add
intensity at high angles, the opposite of the temperature effect. This may
mean that you haven't correcte
The reason may be in the absorption (as noted by Alan Hewat) for capillary
samples or in the surface roughness effect for flat samples.
***Leonid A. Solovyov
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
660036, Akademgorodok 50/24, Krasnoyar
Hi, I wonder whether anyone has a cif file of Ca2MnTeO6 or at least
structural data?
Doc. dr. sc. Igor Djerdj
Senior Scientist
Division of Materials Physics
Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Bijenicka 54
1 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel. +38514680113
Fax. +38514680114
E-mail: igo