card #04-017-70854

2014-04-29 Thread Artem Babaryk
Dear Rietvelders, I'm seeking the information on the card JSPDS card #04-017-70854. Could anybody provide a retrieve of it? Thank you! With Best Regards, Artem ++ Please do NOT attach files to the whole list Send commands to eg: HELP

Re: card #04-017-70854

2014-04-29 Thread Peter Stephens
I believe that if you contact the ICDD directly, they will be happy to provide. ** Peter W. Stephens Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy Associate Dean for Curriculum, College of Arts and Sciences Stony Brook University (631) 632-8156 http://mini.physics.sunysb.

RE: Site occupancies refinement (Many Thanks)

2014-04-29 Thread NAVEED ZAFAR
Dear Dr Peter Stephens, Dr. Martin Fisch and Dr. Noberto Masciocchi, Many thanks for your reply and useful tips.In particularcomments from Dr. Noberto M. and for sparing time in rearranging my .INP file. Best regards, Dr Naveed Zafar Ali Subject: Re: Site occupancies refinement Date: Mon, 28 Apr

Re[2]: card #04-017-70854

2014-04-29 Thread Artem Babaryk
Gosh, I have been thought it was impossible... Thanks, Peter, I will certainly try! Cheers, Artem 29.04.2014 18:39, Peter Stephens >I believe that if you contact the ICDD directly, they will be happy to > provide. > > > ** > Peter W. Stephens > Professor, Department of

Re[4]: card #04-017-70854

2014-04-29 Thread Artem Babaryk
Dear Peter, Miguel and All, Seems, so called "Master Database Search" in ICDD WebGIA service generates strange card numbers. I was suprised to see 5-digid ending of it too, however, naively, adopted those as they were. Simple comparison has gave a key: the second figure "0" was dummy! So should

[no subject]

2014-04-29 Thread Artem Babaryk
Dear Colleagues, Much indebted to each and everybody for the help with my problem. Thank you! Best, Artem ++ Please do NOT attach files to the whole list Send commands to eg: HELP as the subject with no body text The Rietveld_L list a