Can anyone tell me the meaning and possible setting for the "N Beta" item in
the Full Axial Model on the Instrument Parmeters page of TOPAS. We have always
used a setting of 20 but I have no idea why or what it means.
Please do NOT a
From the Tech Ref:
[axial_n_beta #20]: Define the number of rays emanating from a point X-ray
source in
the axial plane. Larger values for axial_n_beta increases both accuracy and
calculation time.
Looks like Alan is doing some sort of ray tracing to calculate the peak
On 20 December 2
Thanks. It seems I should learn how to use the search function in my PDF
reader. Searching on "beta" turns up the same reference you gave that I could
not find by manually scanning the manual for an hour.
From: Matthew Rowles []
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2013 3:31