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I don't know that machine but isn't it so that nowadys structures can be
solved with "home lab instruments". The name of the instrument doesn't give
enough information to jugde whether solution is true or not. The usual
advice about checking the interatomic distances is valid for any structure
Hola de nuevo,
si el diffractometro no tiene una configuración
especial tipo detector banana-1D (que a veces
distorsiona los picos), o monocromador de entrada (que
si esta mal colocado puede dar un pelin de Kalpha2),
no veo porque no se podria hacer Rietveld.
bueno de poca auyda sera todo esto..
Dear all,
How reliable is a structure refinement (including atomic positions and
temperature factors) from an X-ray diffraction pattern recorded on a
Rigaku D/max X-ray powder diffractometer?
Thank you very much!
Dr. Ana Isabel Becerro
Departamento Química Inorgánica
Instituto de Ciencia