On Mon, 26 Apr 1999, Peter Y. Zavalij wrote:
> The equation (2) is nothing else but specimen shift in the Bragg-Brentano
> geometry.
Yes, of course, and for this geometry I have no problems in comprehending
equation (2). But i.e. in the manual of FULLPROF the same equation is used
for the Debye
The equation (2) is nothing else but specimen shift in the Bragg-Brentano
> I have a question concerning the systematic line shifts due to sample
> off-centering in the Debye-Scherrer-geometry. The shift D2Theta due to an
> eccentricity e in the incident beam direction is always given a
I have a question concerning the systematic line shifts due to sample
off-centering in the Debye-Scherrer-geometry. The shift D2Theta due to an
eccentricity e in the incident beam direction is always given as
(1) D2Theta = (e/R)*sin(2*Theta)
with R being the radius of the goniometer cir