be careful
NAC is a great standard, but it is not certified, and different
batches of the material have different broadening
Nice to calibrate the angles, pay attention to calibrate
the FWHM.
Prof. Gilberto Artioli
Dipartimento di Scienz
You will need to contact:
Prof. G. Courbion
Laboratoire des Fluorures
Faculte de Sciences et Techniques
Av O. Messiaen
72085 Le Mans cedex 9
A. Llobet
Magnus H. Sørby wrote:
I want to purchase some standard Na2Ca3Al2F14 (NAC) powder to calibrate an
Inel PSD. Does an
Try the CNRS lab "Laboratoire de Fluorures" at the "Université du
Maine" in 72000 Le Mans, France. Armel Le Bail will know, whom to ask
On 05 Mar 2004, at 14:03, Magnus H. Sørby wrote:
I want to purchase some standard Na2Ca3Al2F14 (NAC) powder to
calibrate an
Inel PSD. Does anybody
I want to purchase some standard Na2Ca3Al2F14 (NAC) powder to calibrate an
Inel PSD. Does anybody know where I can get it?
Magnus H. Sørby
Ph.D. student
Institute for Energy Technology University of Oslo
Dep. of Physics Dep. of Chemistry
Kjeller, Norway