advice and email Ton Spek directly.
Thanks again for you input!
> -Opprinnelig melding-
> Fra: Van der Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sendt: 24. juli 2008 17:28
> Til:
> Kopi: "Magnus H. Sørby"
> Emne: Re: Addsym trouble
> H
Hi Magnus and others,
I do not know about the troubles with PLATON, but I used this case for a
test using the symmetry determination method implemented in SUPERFLIP.
Magnus' first test structure gives in SUPERFLIP (use the 'perform
symmetry' option with a manually generated CIF-file) P21/m as
Dear Magnus,
Make sure you are using the latest version of PLATON - unix version is
usually the most up to date. I think it is 17/07/08 at the moment.
Best to email Ton Spek. I have had problems before with addsym. It may add
lines not compatible with Shelx-97 (A lot of PLATON was written with
Dear Magnus,
have you tried writing Ton Spek directly? I don't think he reads this list.
Best wishes,
Dr Jacco van de Streek
Avant-garde Materials Simulation
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
I was getting some unexpected results from Addsym (Platon version 230608) so
I ran some tests to try to clear things up. Now Im confused to the point
where I need help!
The test structure I have used is:
Space group P-1
a = 3.5 Å b = 12.3 Å c = 4.5 alpha = beta = gamma = 90 deg