order of Spherical Harmonics for correction of PO

2017-01-16 Thread František Laufek
Dear colleagues,   I use Rietveld method for quantitative phase analysis. I use Topas 5 and now I have started using Spherical Harmonics for correction of preferred orientation (instead of March-Dollas correction). I mainly collect data in Bragg-Brentano geometry; samples are usually pre

Data collection strategy from low angles - Bruker D8 Advance, Lynx Eye XE detector

2016-10-21 Thread František Laufek
Dear all,   I would like to ask you about your experience in collecting the XRD data from low angles (for me from 2° of 2Theta) to 50° 2Theta using the Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer (Bragg-Brentano geometry) with the Lynx Eye XE position sensitive detector.     The studied samples are

Re[2]: CrySize error in TOPAS

2016-07-29 Thread František Laufek
Dear Lukasz, I dont no which version of Topas do you use. Just for your information - the current version Topas 5 enables you to calculate the correlation matrix directly from GUI. Just click on "correlation matrix button" a run calculation. Frantisek Laufek Czech Geological Survey -